LifeGroups are the Sunday School ministry of Mount Olive Baptist Church. These groups meet each Sunday Morning at 10:10 and are a time of fellowship and Bible study.
LifeGroups are the Sunday School ministry of Mount Olive Baptist Church. These groups meet each Sunday Morning at 10:10 and are a time of fellowship and Bible study.
Our class is open to college students and young professionals aged 18-30 from various locations. We come together to deepen our faith, support each other, and engage in discussions about the scripture, sermon, and real-life application.
Leaders: Kyle and Johnna Johnson and Ethan Jacobs
Our class welcomes couples and single adults at all life stages. We engage in interactive discussions that focus on living together in submission to God's will, seeking to align our lives with the teachings of Jesus in the Bible.
Leader: Brandon Smith
Our class welcomes adults of all life stages, including couples and singles. We gather weekly to pray and study the sermon from the previous Sunday. (Average age in attendance 30-50 years)
Leaders: Mark Harris and Matt Bottoms
Our class includes women of varying ages. We connect weekly in prayer and in-depth study of God's Word.
Leader: Luanne Fowler
Our class includes women of varying ages looking for fellowship and Bible based learning.
Leader: Toni Sams
Our class includes men of varying ages supporting and encouraging each other as we study God's Work.
Leader: Doug Hardy and Jack Parks
Our class is a vibrant, mature co-ed class consisting of couples and singles from ages 50-90. We study God's Word and seek to have influence in our family and community.
Leader: David Fowler
Our mission is to encourage each other to live in Christ completely and courageously. A wonderful way to walk this path is in relational environments. In Lifegroups you can expect to study the Bible, make friends, and live out your faith in an authentic way.